Perfectly compatible with:
L&L: e18s, Liberty Belle 18
Skutt: KM818
…and many more!
— 6 – 15.5″ half-round kiln shelves
— 3 each of the following posts: 1″, 2″, 3″, 4″, 5″, 6″
*Kiln post styles may vary*
— 1 lb. bag of kiln wash
— Heater Beater kiln gloves
The Ceramic Shop has been the premiere producer of kiln stilts, posts, and speciality furniture for years now — which gives us all of the tools we need to provide you with excellent and affordable kiln furniture kits! If you don’t feel the need to purchase a name-brand kit with your new kiln, or if you are simply looking to stock your kiln room with a well-chosen variety of posts, and the appropriate shelves, look no further!
To select the correct kit for your round top-loading kiln, simply count the bricks lining the interior of the kiln (8, 10, or 12), then find the height of the interior of the kiln (18″ high or 27″ high). Finally, measure the width of the kiln brick (either 2.5″ or 3″).
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